Dr. Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale

nicholas at fitzroydale dot org

I'm a computer scientist with a background in embedded and real-time operating systems. I'm also interested in semi- and unsupervised learning.

I have a rather ecletic programming-related blog covering topics from operating systems to machine learning. Notable recent operating systems work includes The CI20 bare-metal project, which is a tutorial series about writing an operating system for a MIPS32-based system (Imagination's CI20 Creator), and A port of the HVDOS hypervisor for macOS, using Hypervisor.framework, written in the Nim language.

My Github page has some examples of my recent work.

My doctoral thesis is about improving the performance of component-based operating systems using automated and semi-automated domain-specific optimisation techniques for inter-component communication (though I gave it a slightly shorter title).

Contact me at the email address above, or search for my name to find me on social media.